Thursday, October 06, 2005


Inhabitat I totally want to live in one of these! I want the jellyfish one that doesn't really go anywhere, though. I don't think the yacht life is for me. Heh. Either way! Way cool.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Oh so tired

I'm yawning and I'm not really sure why. I probably over slept. I even went to bed at a decent, by my standards, hour. When I first woke up this morning, Boy Thing was getting ready for school, and he said something about low water pressure and probably no water by the time I was awake. This did not encourage me to get up. So I slept and slept and slept, until finally Puck managed to complain enough that I just got up. Blegh. Sure enough, when I turned the water on to rinse my mouth after brushing my teeth there was only a trickle that quickly dribbled to nothingness. Great. Luckily, I managed to collect a bit of water before it ran out, so my mouth wasn't completely toothpastey. I had been planning a nice hot shower, though. Drat. I was also planning to do some laundry, since I need clean blue jeans. Drat again. Damn, I'm thirsty I'll get some... no water. I'll make some iced tea! No water. I am quickly becoming a firm believer in keeping soda in the house. I'm thirsty and there is nothing! And all we really have to eat is ramen. No going out to grocery store because I am feeling too gross due to lack of shower. Blargh.
Yay the water is back on. Hooray. Now I have to cook dinner. Boo.

Saturday, September 10, 2005


Boy Thing with his birthday/graduation/good-lord-how-do-you-put-up-with-my-daughter? present from my mom. It doesn't have a name yet, but all the dashboard displays glow red. Yes, it *is* the perfect car for him. Hrm... Maybe we should name it Maul? Maulie? Hehehe... It is a great car, though and Mom is totally awesome for helping Andrew get it. He even says I can drive it sometimes! Hooray! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Good Vibrations | BONDAGE DUCKIE

Good Vibrations | BONDAGE DUCKIE Hahahahaha... I *need* this! My duckie collection could never be complete without it! Muahahahaha... Hehehehe... heh. It's so cute. Seriously. Want. Please?

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Save the Boobs! Fight Breast Cancer! :

Save the Boobs! Fight Breast Cancer! : oooh! Shirts I want that are for a good cause! I love them all, but I really want a pink 'd stare,too and a fuck c*ncer.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Too Poor to be Clever

Blah! Had crap telemarketing job, lost crap telemarketing job. She said it was because I wasn't "a good fit", and that's true. I may have very few morals, but the few I do have don't involve scamming people. It's a big part of why I hated Dillard's. Fuckers. Anyhow. When I was being asked to quit she was going on about how she didn't relaly think it was going to work, and she could tell I was unhappy, and so on and so forth... and if you were really that convinced I wasn't going to work out, why was I hired? I mean, that's the most confusing part. I thought that was the purpose of the whole interview type process. If you can tell in the interview that it isn't going to work, then you don't hire that person. I knew something was up when she didn't even look at the application she had me fill out, and the only question she asked was if she hired me would I show up on Monday morning. *sigh* I should have said no. I was just excited at the thought of maybe being able to pay the bills. It'll work out. I called back about a job with the San Pedro Playhouse, and she found my resume and talked it over with me on the phone, and congratulated me on my luck for actually catching her when she felt like talking to someone. Apparently that lucky phone call took me from lost in about a hundred resumes to being on the short list of people to be interviewed. Happily she's a Trinity alum and so we know some of the same theatre folk. Heh. She got sidetracked from my box office experience and started asking about my electrician experience and how much carpentry I know. Who knew lounging about the theatre and hanging out in Willy's office would actually pay off? Take *that* rule 12! Heh. Not that anyone paid attention to that anyhow. Am still tempted to email Rinear about it. You know, back in high school I joked about always wanting to quit drama, but never being able to. Then I wound up being involved in various ways throughout college, now I'm marrying a technical director to be, and may be working in a theatre. I give up. Yes, theatre owns me. Now can I please get paid for it again? (Though slightly more than Trinity paid me would be nice... which reminds me, Andrew got the Stieren position this semester! Hooray for Dave being in Scotland.)
Gah 3:30. Andrew is currently grinding away on WoW, something about cleaning up a few quests. I can't wait for a real job with a real paycheck, so I can get a real computer. *sigh* But yes. 3:30 am... fixing sleep schedule. Going to bed now. Ok, going to bed to read... but still, bed! Especially since Puck has been whining for about 4 hours now. Stupid cat... can't be an alarm clock, can't bring me a beer, can't clean the kitchen, but he *can* enforce bedtime. Hrmph.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Quantum Sleeper

Quantum Sleeper Heh... Someday when I am rich and famous... or just want to ignore my children on Saturday mornings.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Needies: Like Rain on a Sunshiny Day

Needies: Like Rain on a Sunshiny Day Tee hee... It's wrong but these seem kinda' cool. In a terrible way. I think Mossie's cute. If anyone was wondering which one I'd like.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

That's right, get out. | E-mail flood follows Perry's gay veteran comments Oi. But I do love the comments from Dr. Haines down at the bottom. I love them so much I will paste them!
" Harry Haines of San Antonio thanked Perry for his "startling invitation to gay veterans to leave Texas!"

"As a gay Vietnam War veteran, I am certainly prepared to participate in a well-funded Texas Homo-Vet Relocation Program that your administration might wish to design," Haines said.

Haines said Monday that he would need $500,000 to move to Australia, but added: "This bunch in power up there in Austin is real slick about putting a nice veneer on what I take to be a message of hatred. That is the serious part of all of this."
Heck yeah! And what about us non-veteran Texas Queers? Do we have to leave, too? Or can we stay? I guess time will tell.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Google Store

Google Store Huh... amazing what they're selling with the Google logo stamped on it... would actually kind of like the google excercise ball, it amuses me. I know Andrew's mom wants one of these light up pens, though, since a friend of hers had one and Mama K got all girly about it. Apparently, we share a love of pens.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Why is there never anyone for me to talk to at 5:30 in the morning? I don't want to be awake. I didn't want to be awake several hours ago. I want to be in bed, asleep with the boy I love. I want to wake up in a couple of hours and complain about his alarm clock, and be all drowsy while he gets ready for work, and get kisses when he leaves, and then wake up an hour later. I wish I had fallen asleep in his arms, instead of curling up on the couch with a book. I want to win the lotto so we can both be nocturnal and I wouldn't have to grumble about his alarm clock or worry about finding a job rightthismoment.
Life has suddenly gotten much more complicated. I don't know how we're going to make it through. I need a job, I need it now. I need the paycheck now, actually, the job part can wait.
I keep wanting to write, but I don't know how to say the things I want, and I think I've covered this already, but it's still true. I don't even know where to try and get published and my stuff is crap anyhow. Ok, and I know that's crap, but nothing is going right at all anymore, and just when I think everything has gone to pieces and it can't get worse, it does. It does and I wonder if I'm being punished, or if everything really does happen for a reason and this all part of some plan that will work out for the best any moment now.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Two of my favorite boys ever. I don't know what I'd do without them. Posted by Hello

You can't see it, but he's not wearing shoes. Posted by Hello

Isn't he cute? Posted by Hello


So I'm reading Gilmore Girls recaps, and Lane is drunk and just called her mom and confessed to ebing in love with her rocker, non-Korean boy, and bam server screw-up! Ok... fine, I'll just move on to the next episode. No. TWoP is down. *grief* I should really consider fixing my sleep schedule. We went to bed at 2 last night, but slept all day once again, even though I woke up at 10. I was just so comfy. *sigh*
I'm feeling nervous and scared about a bunch of things. I don't know what to do about any of them. I keep trying to plan my future, but the plans keep getting changed. Nothing is as simple as it should be. Is this what I thought would happen when I grew up? Hell no. I'm supposed to be getting my master's right now, and getting ready to enter a Ph.D. program. Oh, and be married. And... so I revised. But that's not even working. I just want to have a plan I can stick to. I want things to be simple. They aren't, though. I do know that Andrew is the most understanding, loving person I could be with. I really don't know why he hasn't freaked out more about the things I say or do. I guess he knows I love him, and he trusts me completely. I never thought I'd be trusted like this, not after some of the shit I've pulled. He does trust me, though. I'm not going to screw it up, either. At least, I'm going to try not to. It's pretty hard sometimes. And I remind myself that a bit of adventure and that wonderful feeling of fluttering in my stomach is not worth giving up the one for sure thing in my life. I should be writing right now, but I feel like my fiction would be too close to my reality. I want a cigarrette. I'm supposed to help John quit, but the last week has just made me really want to start up again. Things are going to get real interesting come August. I know that one for sure.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Merriam-Webster Online

Merriam-Webster Online
Ha! I just wish they had spelled woot as w00t, or at least offered it as an alternate spelling.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Bubbles Yablonsky, the Fussy Bunny

There once was a bunny whose first name was Bubbles. Her last name was Yablonsky. She didn't have a middle name, but if she did it would have been FUSSY.
Bubbles was a fussy eater. She would hip hop through the garden, looking for just the right thing to eat. Cabbages were too big. Tomatoes were too squishy. Onions were too stinky. Peppers were too spicy. Only carrots would do.
Bubbles was also fussy about the way she looked. When she would get up in the morning she would brush her teeth. She would floss her teeth. She would take a long bath. Bubbles spent hours making sure not a whisker was out of place.
Because Bubbles was fussy about the way she looked, she did not like to play with the other bunnies. The other bunnies would hop around in the dirt. They would play games like ninja and pirate and jumprope. The would have contests to see who could burrow the fastest. They got dirty!
Bubbles was fussy about her toys. She did not like to get them dirty. When she got a new toy, it would quickly go on a shelf in her bedroom. She would look at her toys, but would never play with them. Sometimes she would get sad watching the other bunnies play with their toys, but she thought she would be sadder still if her toys ever got dirty.
Now because Bubbles only ever ate one thing and because Bubbles never played outside with the other bunnies, Bubbles got chubby. Bunnies, like people, need different things to eat. Bunnies, like people, need to run around and play. Bubbles was sad. Bubbles was sadder than if she had gotten her favorite doll dirty.
One day while she was waddling through the garden, she found other bunnies playing pirates and ninjas.
"You're Bubbles, aren't you?" asked a brown bunny dressed up like a pirate.
Bubbles nodded. "Aren't you Benny?"
"That's right," he said, waving his wooden sword. "Benny the Brown. Arrrr."
Bubbles laughed.
Benny looked at the other bunnies. There were four pirates, but only three ninjas. "Would you like to play with us?" he asked. "We need another ninja."
"But aren't you afraid of getting your toys dirty?" asked Bubbles.
"Well, no," said Benny. "When I get dirty I take a bath. If my toys get dirty, my mom gives them a bath, too."
Bubbles laughed. She had never thought of that! She scampered home to get her toy ninja sword. After a long game of ninjas and pirates, Bubbles and Benny hopped through the garden, looking for dinner.
Benny picked out a small cabbage. Bubbles looked at it and twitched her nose.
"Cabbages are too big," she said. "I like carrots."
"It's not too big if we share it," said Benny. He pulled off a leaf and gave it to her. "See?"
Bubbles tasted the cabbage. It was sweet. She liked cabbage!
"You're right. It is good," she said.
From that day on Bubbles would play with Benny and the other bunnies every day. She was happier than she had ever been, all because she was no longer a fussy bunny.
The End
Yay... there's my children's story. Now to find an artist. *looks over at Nez's door* Eh, maybe when she's awake. Huh... blogger spellchecker doesn't have the word ninja. I"m disappointed.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

M&M'S® Chocolate MPire

M&M'S® Chocolate MPire
Oh dear lord. And yet... Heee! I'm so torn. So I will instead start looking for patterns for making my Sith robes. I also need to work on Andrew's Jedi robes. I don't know how much costume we'll have to do for him. I'm just wearing black robes over my Sith Lords Kick Ass shirt and black jeans with my docs. I guess we can just dress him up as Sith Academy Obi. Hrm... maybe make up a Property of Jedi Academy Athletics shirt for under his robes? Or do post-Stepford Farms Obi... this bears further thought and research... and by research I mean reading of Sith Academy. Hee.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Questionable Content

Questionable Content: New comics every Monday through Friday Realized I hadn't linked this one yet. It's way cool, with a good sized archive to keep you occupied. Makes me want to go be an indie hipster. Yesh. But alas, there is no such thing as a fat indie hipster.... that whole thing where I can't find cute clothes in my size at Goodwill sorta' negates the whole thing. Ah well. I can still dream.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Books Are Yummy... Apparently

I'm not sure *why* Puck thought the Hitchhiker's Omnibus tasted good... and I don't think I want to know. Posted by Hello


Harken to the roar of the Might Puck, Destroyer of Personal Belongings! Or maybe he's just yawning. If you look close, you can see where he singed his whisker on a candle. Posted by Hello

Amputee Support Group

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the Amputee Support Group. *cough* Is it wrong that Andrew and I have been laughing at this one for a while now, and in the past I have cursed my not having my camera? If so, I'm not sure I want to be right. Posted by Hello

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Annette at IHOP. Isn't she damn sexy? Posted by Hello

Monday, March 07, 2005

Photo Phun!

So found this thing that lets me publish photos to my blog in what seems to be a pretty easy manner. Yay. So now there will be photos here as well! w00t! And I've decided to test it with a year old photo. Yup. So here's me graduating from Trinity. This is probably my favorite photo of myself from that day.

Me at Graduation. Yay dood! I have me a bachelors degree! Posted by Hello

Bookity Book Book

Blah! LiveJournal is in read only mode and I feel the need to post and so here it is! This is precisely why I need a second blog. Oh and BlogThis! is just so damned handy. Hee.
So Staci is trying to read 40 books this year, and over at there's the 50 Book challenge. (Looks again... but the earlier link told me it was Book... and that isn't... and... Bah!) Anyhow, people seem to be all up on this 50 book challenge. So I may as well keep track of what I'm reading this year... oi. Now to try and remember what I've read this year. Uhm. Things are hazy from about New Year's I don't remember what was on which side of the New Year's line. Mwerf. Here are the ones I know for sure:
  1. Polgara the Sorceress
  2. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
  3. The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
  4. Reaper Man
  5. Searching for Dragons
  6. Calling on Dragons
  7. SnowCrash
  8. The Diamond Age: or A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer
  9. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
  10. Neverwhere
And uhm... there's also, I know there was more. There are at least two other Discworld books. Hooray! Though I'm not sure if the Hitchhiker's stuff should all count as seperate books, since I'm reading them in the huge omnibus collection. Ah well. I count them seperately! So yay. And I don't suppose all of the comic books I've been reading count. sigh Cause you know, I'd be crazy up there! Well, I suppose I'm off to fold some laundry. I did about 5 loads today. A good dent has been put into the pile of dirty. Huzzah. | Vinnie’s tampon case | Vinnie’s tampon case
Dood... I want one! If Playtex is going to be bitches and and not let me have my portables and be nicely discreet, then fuck it! If I can't be discreet, then I'll be proud! I've actually seen these in a store somewhere, but totally can't remember where. I want to say Burlington or Ross or something like that... oh! Half-Price, over at Huebner, of all places, that's where it was. I swear. Huh. Too bad it was ages ago. *sigh*

Saturday, March 05, 2005


Dood! I want! Hee.... awesomest wedding rings evar.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Tomato Nation

Tomato Nation
Have I mentioned Tomato Nation? Friggin hilarious.
BlogThis! is now available to me with FireFox thanks to an extension. Whoo! Now to go make lunch. Maybe some soup will make my sinuses quit trying to kill me. Maybe...

Monday, January 31, 2005


I have these dreams, and they're all so real. I don't want to be twentysomething and standing here on the edge. They say thirty is the new twenty, but half-way to fifty it isn't so comforting. And there's nothing here for me and all those childhood promises were lies. It's all lies. Nobody knows where they're going. Nobody knows what they're doing. And everybody thinks they're better than you. They love the fact that they aren't you. They don't want to be them, though. Everybody wants to be somebody different. Nobody is entirely happy with who they are. Even if it's just a little something different. It's all in the little things. The devil's in the details. The girls want to be blonde, because blondes have more fun. They want more fun. There is no fun. The men want to be strong. They want to be strong enough to hold the world together, at least long enough to get laid. Don't believe a word. Never believe what anyone tells you, because in the end, everyone lies. I'm eighteen. I'm twenty-one. I'm twenty-nine. I only had one drink. I wasn't looking at her. The check is in the mail. I love you. There is a God. They. All. Lie. I'm going to change all that.

Well, I guess we'll see if that goes anywhere. I have this character in my head, EgoMouse. Angry and twentysomething, like the rest of us. I guess we'll see what happens.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Ravenswood Leather - Renaissance Leather and More... The Finest in the Land!!!

Ravenswood Leather - Renaissance Leather and More... The Finest in the Land!!!
This is where I want to get the bodice gowns for Cheli, Annette and me to wear to the reception after the wedding. Heh... they're only about $400... maybe we could get some kind of special since we're getting three.... Hee...