Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Bubbles Yablonsky, the Fussy Bunny

There once was a bunny whose first name was Bubbles. Her last name was Yablonsky. She didn't have a middle name, but if she did it would have been FUSSY.
Bubbles was a fussy eater. She would hip hop through the garden, looking for just the right thing to eat. Cabbages were too big. Tomatoes were too squishy. Onions were too stinky. Peppers were too spicy. Only carrots would do.
Bubbles was also fussy about the way she looked. When she would get up in the morning she would brush her teeth. She would floss her teeth. She would take a long bath. Bubbles spent hours making sure not a whisker was out of place.
Because Bubbles was fussy about the way she looked, she did not like to play with the other bunnies. The other bunnies would hop around in the dirt. They would play games like ninja and pirate and jumprope. The would have contests to see who could burrow the fastest. They got dirty!
Bubbles was fussy about her toys. She did not like to get them dirty. When she got a new toy, it would quickly go on a shelf in her bedroom. She would look at her toys, but would never play with them. Sometimes she would get sad watching the other bunnies play with their toys, but she thought she would be sadder still if her toys ever got dirty.
Now because Bubbles only ever ate one thing and because Bubbles never played outside with the other bunnies, Bubbles got chubby. Bunnies, like people, need different things to eat. Bunnies, like people, need to run around and play. Bubbles was sad. Bubbles was sadder than if she had gotten her favorite doll dirty.
One day while she was waddling through the garden, she found other bunnies playing pirates and ninjas.
"You're Bubbles, aren't you?" asked a brown bunny dressed up like a pirate.
Bubbles nodded. "Aren't you Benny?"
"That's right," he said, waving his wooden sword. "Benny the Brown. Arrrr."
Bubbles laughed.
Benny looked at the other bunnies. There were four pirates, but only three ninjas. "Would you like to play with us?" he asked. "We need another ninja."
"But aren't you afraid of getting your toys dirty?" asked Bubbles.
"Well, no," said Benny. "When I get dirty I take a bath. If my toys get dirty, my mom gives them a bath, too."
Bubbles laughed. She had never thought of that! She scampered home to get her toy ninja sword. After a long game of ninjas and pirates, Bubbles and Benny hopped through the garden, looking for dinner.
Benny picked out a small cabbage. Bubbles looked at it and twitched her nose.
"Cabbages are too big," she said. "I like carrots."
"It's not too big if we share it," said Benny. He pulled off a leaf and gave it to her. "See?"
Bubbles tasted the cabbage. It was sweet. She liked cabbage!
"You're right. It is good," she said.
From that day on Bubbles would play with Benny and the other bunnies every day. She was happier than she had ever been, all because she was no longer a fussy bunny.
The End
Yay... there's my children's story. Now to find an artist. *looks over at Nez's door* Eh, maybe when she's awake. Huh... blogger spellchecker doesn't have the word ninja. I"m disappointed.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

M&M'S® Chocolate MPire

M&M'S® Chocolate MPire
Oh dear lord. And yet... Heee! I'm so torn. So I will instead start looking for patterns for making my Sith robes. I also need to work on Andrew's Jedi robes. I don't know how much costume we'll have to do for him. I'm just wearing black robes over my Sith Lords Kick Ass shirt and black jeans with my docs. I guess we can just dress him up as Sith Academy Obi. Hrm... maybe make up a Property of Jedi Academy Athletics shirt for under his robes? Or do post-Stepford Farms Obi... this bears further thought and research... and by research I mean reading of Sith Academy. Hee.