Sunday, June 26, 2005

That's right, get out. | E-mail flood follows Perry's gay veteran comments Oi. But I do love the comments from Dr. Haines down at the bottom. I love them so much I will paste them!
" Harry Haines of San Antonio thanked Perry for his "startling invitation to gay veterans to leave Texas!"

"As a gay Vietnam War veteran, I am certainly prepared to participate in a well-funded Texas Homo-Vet Relocation Program that your administration might wish to design," Haines said.

Haines said Monday that he would need $500,000 to move to Australia, but added: "This bunch in power up there in Austin is real slick about putting a nice veneer on what I take to be a message of hatred. That is the serious part of all of this."
Heck yeah! And what about us non-veteran Texas Queers? Do we have to leave, too? Or can we stay? I guess time will tell.