Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Brain Filler

I just sat down and read the first book due for Creative Non-Fiction. Okay so it was a graphic novel, Persepolis to be precise. It's about a girl in Iran in 1980 during the Islamic Revolution. What's more fun is that, dur non-fiction class, it's a memoir. I wish I could remember more from Early Modern Mid East, but even with my pretty limited grasp of politics/history from the area, it was good. The art and language are pretty simple, which works since it's the point of view of a ten year old, well, up to when she's 14. The art is on the cartoony side, all in black and white. It's war torn Tehran, but it's war torn Tehran with bendy lines. But I think it's effective in that it doesn't push the reader away with stark/realistic images, but it brings you in because the art is inviting, it feels safe. Definitely matches her attitude. I'm looking forward to the second volume, but I'm going to be good, and do all my other homework. Well as much as I can, considering I haven't bought all my textbooks yet. *sigh* Sexual Difference and the Gothic novel is going to be fun, though. And oh so much writing to do for writing workshop. If my fingers don't fall off this semester, I will consider it a success.

Friday, August 24, 2007

School Supplies, yay!

Okay so the lowdown... I applied to grad school and the program of my choice. I got into the program, the school? Not so much. But I figured this would happen, so no biggie, I just went through the appeals process. There was, however, much freaking out, as school starts on Monday. So this morning I called the dean's office, and the secretary said the letter had been signed and mailed out, and she was pretty sure I had been approved. Woo! So I called the grad studies office, and they confirmed this, so I basically spent today running around trying to get my stuff together and get registered. And now I am. Unfortunately, even though I'm not the only one who wants to do it, and even though the professor says it's okay and he'll do the extra work to make us do the extra work, I'm not going to be able to use the undergrad (though 4000 lvl) scriptwriting class for my grad work. Boo. So I had to find another class. Currently I'm looking at a fiction writing workshop, Form and Theory in Creative Non-Fiction, and a Gender and Literature course that is specifically looking at the Gothic novel. (Specifically the feminine aesthetic of terror as compared to the masculine aesthetic of horror. Heh.) I'm eligible for an assistantship, but considering the fact that I am on probation, I decided not to apply. I want to really get my grad school bearings before I take that on. So, you know... next year.
In other news... not much has happened. My mom's cat, Mac, passed away. I felt so bad. He had an infection and just couldn't shake it off. At least we tried everything we could. So now my two truly are the spoiled brats of the house. And spoiled they really are. Bentley is still trying to figure out how doors work. The other night he was running around, and hopped up on the bed and burrowed under the covers until he was curled up by my feet. Perfect hiding place! And then he sneezed, and, realizing his cover had been blown, took off running again. Puck has been pretty lovey, lately. He still wants to go outside, but that just ain't going to happen.
For now I am off to make potato salad and cut up veggies for the veggie plate for tomorrow. We're having a big back to school party for my cousins' kids. I expect to end the day well fed, slightly sunburned, and totally wiped out from having fun. After all, that is why I moved back home.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Pen To Paper

So I am working on a new story thing. I have the characters in mind and the basic relationships between them, and I know how I want one scene at the very end to go, but I'm not really sure about the antagonist. I'm not sure why he's there and what he's doing. I mean, sure there's the nebulous destroy the world/rule the world thing, but that just feels done to death. The whole thing is kinda' frustrating because the story isn't really going to go anywhere until the conflict gets figured out. I'm pulling from a bunch of different shapeshifter mythologies, and tossing in something I came up with. So hell, I may just make him a psuedo vampire, but that seems so boring. Which, make it interesting, find a new way to make it work, yeah yeah yeah. So off to look up various mythologies and try to figure out what my macguffin is. Whee!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Conquest of the Pantry

Well, it took a while, but I have more or less conquered the pantry. I feel bad about all the expired food I threw out, but hopefully since Andrew and I live here now we'll be able to keep things under control. Mom has already argued with me about how I organized some of it, but I never expected a simple thank you.
I'm getting ready to head out and turn in a job application. Fun stuff. I probably should have gotten that done when we were out doing stuff at Pan Am the other day, but it's hot out there. ... And I'm back! Dinner was had with Noemi and my folks. I think we're going to go see Hairspray tomorrow for Amanda's birthday. Let it be noted that she is going to be ... 9. I think. I'm pretty sure.
Also on the schedule for tomorrow is cleaning. *sigh* Mom is serious about this whole decluttering thing. I think I'm going to make her sit down so we can work out a game plan of what room we're starting in and where we are putting things for the magical yard sale. And I am going to have a talk with her about the fact that I am going to be doing my best to help her break habits and get rid of things and she needs to not get upset with me when I tell her to get rid of something. I forsee many many arguments. But not now. Now, I am off to dash off a birthday present for Amanda. Maybe a little messenger bag, since she wants to start going to the library. Or maybe I'm being ambitious.