Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Oh so tired

I'm yawning and I'm not really sure why. I probably over slept. I even went to bed at a decent, by my standards, hour. When I first woke up this morning, Boy Thing was getting ready for school, and he said something about low water pressure and probably no water by the time I was awake. This did not encourage me to get up. So I slept and slept and slept, until finally Puck managed to complain enough that I just got up. Blegh. Sure enough, when I turned the water on to rinse my mouth after brushing my teeth there was only a trickle that quickly dribbled to nothingness. Great. Luckily, I managed to collect a bit of water before it ran out, so my mouth wasn't completely toothpastey. I had been planning a nice hot shower, though. Drat. I was also planning to do some laundry, since I need clean blue jeans. Drat again. Damn, I'm thirsty I'll get some... no water. I'll make some iced tea! No water. I am quickly becoming a firm believer in keeping soda in the house. I'm thirsty and there is nothing! And all we really have to eat is ramen. No going out to grocery store because I am feeling too gross due to lack of shower. Blargh.
Yay the water is back on. Hooray. Now I have to cook dinner. Boo.

Saturday, September 10, 2005


Boy Thing with his birthday/graduation/good-lord-how-do-you-put-up-with-my-daughter? present from my mom. It doesn't have a name yet, but all the dashboard displays glow red. Yes, it *is* the perfect car for him. Hrm... Maybe we should name it Maul? Maulie? Hehehe... It is a great car, though and Mom is totally awesome for helping Andrew get it. He even says I can drive it sometimes! Hooray! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Good Vibrations | BONDAGE DUCKIE

Good Vibrations | BONDAGE DUCKIE Hahahahaha... I *need* this! My duckie collection could never be complete without it! Muahahahaha... Hehehehe... heh. It's so cute. Seriously. Want. Please?